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Dyed Sharpie Tile Coasters


  • Ceramic White Tiles (size is your preference)

  • Coloured Sharpie Markers

  • 99 % Isopropyl Alcohol Rubbing Alcohol

  • Dropper

  • Polyurethane Top Coat

  • Felt stickers (optional)



  1. Cover the entire tire with marker. Don’t worry about white spaces, as the colours will bleed together later. 

  2. Take the rubbing alcohol and slowly drip it over the tile. 

  3. Let dry for at least 40 minutes. 

  4. Seal the tile with polyurethane. 

  5. Let tiles set for 24 hours. 

  6. If you’d like to cover the bottom with something soft, you can use felt stickers to stick onto the bottom. 

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